Friday 13 February 2015

Flight From Ladye Park

Title   'Flight from Ladye Park'


Jagos Corner

An amusing story is told about Trehawke House in Liskeard, East Cornwall (rebuilt by J.Allen; first built by T. Johnson in 1703, repaired in 1811 by J. Borrow and taken down in 1910). General Johnson built the house with the adjoining Congregational Chapel connected with a bridge which had a turret chamber on top and a courtyard in front paved with granite. John Trehawke, known to many as 'The Miser' lived in this house. According to18th century stories, he was actively associated with smuggling and when he was running a cargo he sent his domestic staff to bed early and when the cargo was being delivered in the cellars he played a violin under the bedroom floor of his domestic staff. This strange nocturnal behaviour kept them confined to their room in great terror, and they knew nothing of the activities in the cellars and tunnels underneath Trehawke House. The Nat West Bank now stands on the spot where Trehawke House once stood and the Spar shop is where the Congregational Chapel once stood. Between the two original buildings is now a narrow road where the bridge was built.

I feel much happier with this drawing now that figures are defined. I quite like the light coming up through the opened hatch in the basement floor. The maid is half awake in a state of confusion and fear as she is unsure as to what is happening in the downstairs rooms. I feel seagulls add to the mayhem and hint at something sinister. 

Here is the old chapel that was next to Trehawke House.  

Friday 30 January 2015

Visit to Charlestown, Cornwall

Charlestown Harbour

The little pixies revealed themselves!

Pixies encouraging us further

The tunnels were deep in water in some areas.

There is an interesting antique shop as well as a couple of art galleries.

We loved this sweet little cottage with its wonderful garden.

St' Neot Holy Well

Just by chance we came across a wooden sign in the middle of the village directing us to a holy well set in a large open flat area with hills and trees behind.

The ground is very wet and boggy leading up to the well

 I didn't think we could actually open the door.

It was magical to see behind the door.

I really like the old metal door furniture and the character in the wood. The light caught on the end of the bolt appears to be almost returning to molten metal. We each left a wish and a coin.

Can you spot the very small ceramic angel at the bottom of the pool?

I have used this rock formation in one of my recent pencil drawings.

Just behind the well the ground rises steeply.


In the main park of St'Neot village we came across the figure and plaque which was a nice surprise.

Sunday 20 July 2014

St' Keyne Well, near Liskeard

by J.T. Blight 1835-1911

 A traveller encounters a countryman who came to draw water from the well, and is told of the properties of the water due to St' Keyne.
 "If the husband of this gifted well should drink before his wife a happy man henceforth is he for he shall be master for life" 
The obvious question was asked by the traveller and he received the reply.
"I hastened as soon as the wedding was done and left my wife in the porch but she had been wiser than I for she took a bottle to church."

 A very mysterious light resembling a hand pointing appeared in the well as I looked inside

 Someone perhaps not long ago had left a very small gift hanging above the well

 All that remains of the beautiful old cottage which stood opposite the well

Comparing old postcard with present day

Thursday 17 July 2014

Landscape Paintings of Bodmin Moor

 Distant view of Stowes Hill and Sharp Tor on the far right on the horizon painted in 2009 with oil on panel board.

 Painted partly on Caradon Hill and completed in my small potting shed in 2007.

Drifting fog over Stowes Hill in 2009.

 View toward Tregarick Tor, Bodmin Moor, painted with oil on panel board.

 Path to Stowes Hill, 2009 oil on canvas

 Evaporation after the showers over Caradon Hill painted in the rain in 2003.

Quarry at Stowes Hill painted on panel board in 2003

 View toward Tregarrick Tor painted 2003

Snow on Caradon Hill 2007, oil on canvas

 Snow on Caradon Hill 2007 painted on panel board with oils.

 Stowes Hill viewed from south west and painted on location in 2004, oil on panel board.

 Stowes Hill, Bodmin Moor with Cheesewring formation of rock on far left ridge painted over three days on location with oil on panel board.

View from Caradon Hill toward Gonamena in the valley painted on location on a very cold day in 2004.

 A very windy morning in 2003 with Stowes Hill to the left and Sharp Tor to the right and old mine building in the middle ground, painted with difficulty using oil on panel board.

Last of the snow below Tregarrick Tor in 2004, painted on location using oil on panel board.